
  • This website gathers information about the project asciidoc toolkit for LabVIEW.
  • The project is open source, if you want to contribute feel free to contact us!

New release: v1.6.0

This version is bringing three new experimental blocs dedicated to data visualization. With these new blocs you can insert the following chart in your Asciidoc files:

  • Line chart

Line chart

  • Grouped bar chart

Grouped bar chart

  • Radar chart

Radar chart

NOTE: We expect to implement more advanced features related to data visualization in the future. Any feedback on this first implementation is more than welcome on our Zulip chat

DOCUMENTATION: You can download the toolkit documentation here

Release note


  • Radar chart bloc –> #56
  • Bar chart bloc –> #57
  • Line chart bloc –> #58
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New release: v1.5.1

This version mainly fixes and improves the feature added in v1.5.0.

It improves error reporting during the asciidoctor installation document generation.

It also fixes rendering issues.

Release note


  • LabVIEW error generated on Asciidoctor rendering failure –> #44
  • Improve error reporting on toolchain installation –> #48


  • UTF8 support not handle when generating a section –> #43
  • Issue in image integration –> #46
  • Error on Asciidoctor toolchain destination directory clean up –> #47
  • Rendering large diagram fails –> #51
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New release: v1.5.0

This version introduces the capability to render your adoc file into PDF or HTLM5 files directly in your LabVIEW applications.

With this capability, it’s never been easier to get rid of MS Office and other complex solutions to generate beautiful documents and reports in LabVIEW.

Asciidoctor toolchain install during VIP installation

During the package installation, the Ascidoctor toolchain is installed locally with a minimum footprint. Rendering feature supported by the installation:

  • Rendering adoc files to HTML5 and PDF
  • Diagram generation (web connection required)
  • STEM expressions rendered (HTML5 output only)

3 new functions available in the palette

  • Render Adoc File: Takes an adoc file as input and generates HTML5 or PDF output next to the adoc file
  • Check Asciidoctor Toolchain Installation: Verify if the toolchain is correctly installed
  • Installing Asciidoctor Toolchain: Process to the toolchain installation. This function is useful when you want to ingrate rendering to your application.


Big thanks to Matthias Baudot for his help with the installation process.

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New release: v1.4.0

This version introduces advanced table formating and fixes some minor bugs:

Advanced table formating

You can now build modern table including images <1>, admonitions <2> and nested tables <3> in cells. On top of that, you can also span cells over rows or columns <3>.

Advanced table built with asciidoc for LabVIEW toolkit

Building this table is made easy by this new version and you don’t need to know anything about asciidoc syntax.


Big thanks to Paul Morris for his contributions to improving the table creation and for the VIs description review.

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New release: v1.3.0

This version introduces new formating features:

  • Table:
    • Width, style and alignment for each column of a table
    • Width, border and stripes of the table
  • Document
    • Select where you want the TOC (Table Of Content) to be displayed in HTML files
    • Add revison information
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New maintenance release with UTF-8 support: v1.2.1

This version introduces some changes and bug fix you can see below. It brings you UTF-8 support to allow extended characters support.

Release note


  • Ouptut string encoding set to UTF-8 –> #27

  • If needed for recording the output in a file, folder arborescence is created –> #28

Bug Fix :

  • Rendering issue when paragraph is empty –> #14
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New release: v1.2.0

This version introduces some new features, changes and bug fix you can see below.

Release note

New features:

  • Add Diagram bloc –> #22
  • Add function to add custom attributes not directly handle by the toolkit –> #26
  • Handle Doctype property –> #25


  • Email information added to Author –> #23 ⚠️ This change breaks public toolkit interface. You will have to modify existing code after update

  • Wovalab_lib_AsciiDoctor library is no more installed in Sources folder

Bug Fix :

  • Document header was ill formed when Autors array was empty –> #24
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3 Useful Tools to Render Asciidoc

Asciidoc syntax is quite readable as a plain text file, but not as easy as the same file rendered as HTML or PDF.

If you want to quickly test the final render of your file the following tools can be useful.

#1 - Asciidoctor.js Live Preview

Asciidoctor.js Live Preview is a Google Chrome extension that will display any asciidoc file as html directly inside your browser.

Asciidoctor.js Live Preview in Chrome Toolbar

This is one of the easiest ways to display asciidoc files.

Download extension here

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New release: v1.1.0 directly available in VI Package Manager

This version introduces some new features, changes and bug fix you can see below.

I want to thank people who contribute to this new version with code and ideas:

but it’s also easier to install thanks to the new VIPM Community repository.

Asciidoc for LabVIEW in VIPM

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