Our open-source community

Reach out to us

Zulip Chat

Use this chat room to discuss the different projects.

  • You have a new feature request?

  • You’ve found a bug?

That’s our favorite starting point for discussions.

GitLab project

Each project has its repository hosted on GitLab. Issues can be created here to add new features or fix issues.

Help us


Contributions are more than welcome. You can contribute in many ways:

  • Testing and reporting issues

  • Assisting or supporting users of the projects

  • Improving the documentation

  • Fixing issues

  • Implementing features

Code contribution MUST follow the DQMH Consortium Style Guide and you must use Nattify VI Quick Drop action to ensure a standardized way to organize Front Panels and Diagrams for all non-UI VIs.
Before creating issues in GitLab or starting implementing code, we encourage you to start the discussion in the Zulip chat room. We would be really disappointed not to merge your work because it doesn’t fit with the plan we have for the projects or because it conflicts with other work in progress.
If you look for an issue to implement, you can search for issues labeled Good first issue in the GitLab Project.


You want to help accelerate the development of the Wovalab open-source projects? We accept any help from individuals or companies!


We have a Patreon page to enable easy donation.

Patreon doesn’t provide a one-time donation mechanism. You can totally subscribe and cancel the subscription once you’ve been charged once.

Other payment methods

You can’t pay with a credit card, or do you need specific invoicing? You can contact us directly to request a sponsoring quote.