What’s new in Antidoc add-on for LabVIEW toolkit v2.0
This page presents the changes made in each of the patch releases in the Antidoc add-on for LabVIEW toolkit 2.0.
Antidoc add-on for LabVIEW toolkit v2.0.1
Maintainance release
Palette functions are now listed in sections instead of a single table -→ See https://gitlab.com/wovalab/open-source/antidoc-document-types/labview-toolkit-manual/-/issues/7
You’ll no longer see error 1430 when the adoc file path generated contains special characters -→ https://gitlab.com/wovalab/open-source/antidoc-document-types/labview-toolkit-manual/-/issues/6
Add the license file to the package